Module xdynamo.structure


class DynStructure (*, parent: Optional[ForwardRef('RemoteStructure')], field_type: Type[~F])

Putting it here right now, it uses most of the super-class stuff, with a few extra fields. See xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure for more details;

Use these names on the DynModel's as class-arguments to configure these. Those values will eventually be put into this structure for use by the DynClient/DynApi classes.

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class DynStructure(RemoteStructure[F]):
    Putting it here right now, it uses most of the super-class stuff, with a few extra fields.
    See `xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure` for more details;

    Use these names on the DynModel's as class-arguments to configure these. Those values
    will eventually be put into this structure for use by the DynClient/DynApi classes.

    # Todo: Refer to parent docs, but put more info about how virtual-id's are used for our
    #  dynamo tables.
    virtual_id: bool = True

    dyn_name: str = Default
    """ Table name, minus service/environment name.
        We generally want to use camelCase for this and no dashes/underscores.

        If left as `Default`, will use a "camelCase" version of the model class name.

    dyn_service: str = Default
    """ Service to use, by `Default` we use current `xcon.conf.XconSettings.service`.
        If Blank/None we won't include it in the name.

    dyn_environment: str = Default
    """ Environment to use, by `Default` we use current `xcon.conf.XconSettings.environment`.
        If Blank/None we won't include it in the name.

    dyn_hash_key_name: str = None
    """ Name of hash key [for now both model and table attribute must be same name].
        If left as None, an error will be raised when we try connect to table.

        You can more easily indicate this via `HashField`, ie:

        >>> class MyModel(DynModel):
        ...     my_hash: str = HashField()

        When you do this, we will fill in `dyn_hash_key_name` for you.

    dyn_range_key_name: str = None
    """ Name of range key [for now both model and table attribute must be same name];
        If left as None, we don't have one on the table.

        You can more easily indicate this via `RangeField`, ie:

        >>> class MyModel(DynModel):
        ...     my_hash: str = RangeField()

        When you do this, we will fill in `dyn_range_key_name` for you.

    dyn_consistent_read: bool = Default
    """ If True will default reads for the associated model to be consistent,
        Otherwise it won't use consistent reads by default.

        Individual gets/queries can override this default via function param.

    dyn_id_delimiter = "|"
    Default way to delimit the hash/range keys when used in external systems and with code under
    the `xmodel` library. In general, it's assumed we only have one key that can uniquely
    identify model objects/items in general. For DynamoDB, if it has a range key we can merge
    both the hash-key and range-key together with this character. By default it's a pipe `|`.
    But you can set it to something else here if needed.

    This makes it so other systems can store just one value to refer to an item in a dynamo
    table, ie: "some-hash-value|some-range-value".  When other BaseModel's from other systems
    need to get a Dynamo model, they can look it up via this single 'id' value.

    def dyn_hash_field(self) -> DynField:
        return self.get_field(self.dyn_hash_key_name)

    def dyn_range_field(self) -> Optional[DynField]:
        return self.get_field(self.dyn_range_key_name)

    def has_id_field(self):
        id_field = self.get_field('id')
        return (id_field.dyn_key is DynKeyType.hash) if id_field else False

    def configure_for_model_type(
            # These fields are used to name the table
            # format: `{dyn_service}-{dyn_environment}-{dyn_name}`
            dyn_name: str = Default,
            dyn_service: str = Default,
            dyn_environment: str = Default,
            dyn_id_delimiter: str = Default,
            dyn_consistent_read: bool = Default,

        See superclass method `xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure.configure_for_model_type`
        first. It has more information about what calls this method and how to
        customize value via class arguments
        (see `xmodel.base.model.BaseModel.__init_subclass__` for more about the class argument

        This method accepts every argument in the super-class version, with the addition
        of ones more specific to Dynamo. So se

        This method accepts named-class-parameters for `xdynamo.model.DynModel`

        See super-class method `xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure.configure_for_model_type`
        doc's for additional arguments and details.

            dyn_name: Name of the table.  We will add dyn_service and current environment to the
                final name.  See `DynStructure.fully_qualified_table_name` for more details.

                This can also be `None` to indicate that it has no direct-table
                (ie: this is an abstract base class, with commonly shared fields, etc).

            dyn_service: Name of the service to use for that portion of the table name.
                If not provided, and `xcon` is available, will use `con.conf.XconSettings.service`.
                Right now `xcon` is a required dependency, but will make it optional in the future.

                In that future version, leaving this as `Default` would make it not format
                the service name into the table name.

            dyn_environment: Name of the environment to use for that portion of the table name.
                Right now `xcon` is a required dependency, but will make it optional in the future.

                In that future version, leaving this as `Default` would make it not format
                the environment name into the table name.

            dyn_id_delimiter: Delimiter to use for the `id` value when table has both a
                hash and range key (to delimit the values of the two).

                By default, a pipe char `|` is used.

            dyn_consistent_read: Lets model default to consistent reads by default.
                If unspecified, consistent reads are not used by default.
                You can override this on a per-get/query/scan basis via function param.

            **kwargs: These all come from class-arguments given to the
                `xdynamo.model.DynModel` at class-definition time that need to be sent to
                my super-class via
                `xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure.configure_for_model_type`. See that
                for more on what other arguments are supported.

        # Resolve default `dyn_name` if needed
        if dyn_name is Default:
            # Attempt to use model class name (with first char lower-cased) if we have one.
            model_name = self.model_cls.__name__
            dyn_name = f'{model_name[:1].lower()}{model_name[1:]}' if model_name else ''

        if dyn_name == '':
            raise XRemoteError(
                f"The `dyn_name` of dynamo model ({self.model_cls}) was blank/None; "
                f"model must be `None` or have a non-blank `dyn_name`."

        self.dyn_name = dyn_name
        self.dyn_service = dyn_service
        self.dyn_environment = dyn_environment
        self.dyn_consistent_read = dyn_consistent_read

        if dyn_id_delimiter:
            self.dyn_id_delimiter = dyn_id_delimiter

        type_to_attr_map = {
            DynKeyType.hash: 'dyn_hash_key_name',
            DynKeyType.range: 'dyn_range_key_name',

        encountered_types: Set[DynKeyType] = set()
        for field in self.fields:
            # We can assume all fields are DynField subclasses, since it's the field_type
            key_type = field.dyn_key
            if not key_type:

            attr_name = type_to_attr_map[key_type]
            if key_type in encountered_types:
                last_encountered_name = getattr(self, attr_name, None)
                raise XRemoteError(
                    f"We have multiple ({DynKeyType.hash}) key-type fields: "
                    f"({last_encountered_name}) and ({}) for model ({self.model_cls}). "
                    f"There can only be one ({DynKeyType.hash}) field key-type on a dynamo table."

            setattr(self, attr_name,

        # If user manually set this to 'True', then keep it; otherwise determine it based
        # on if there was a hash-key on 'id'.
        # If the `id` field is not the hash-key, then we don't consider us having a
        # `id` field. Instead, we have a virtual-id field that is a combination of both
        # the hash-key field value with the range-key value (if we have a range-key).
        # The purpose of that is to indicate that the `id` field is not a normal field
        # on this class, but a virtual property instead (see ``).

        from xdynamo.model import DynModel
        if self.model_cls is DynModel:
            # Restore `` normal non-field property for DynModel.
            # We want it to be a virtual-id.
            # (BaseModel by default will capture field properties into `fget` and `fset`
            #  in the Field object, and then execute properties when needed after doing it's
            #  normal thing.... we want to replace that functionality with our own property,
            #  and not have it go through the normal things... but still treat 'id' like a
            #  normal property otherwise).
            id_field = self.get_field('id')
   = property(fget=id_field.fget, fset=id_field.fset)

    def fully_qualified_table_name(self) -> str:
        Fully qualified name of the table in Dynamo as a str.
        Format is: '{dyn_service}-{dyn_environment}-{dyn_name}'
        components = []
        service = self.dyn_service
        if service is Default:
            service = xcon_settings.service

        env = self.dyn_environment
        if env is Default:
            env = xcon_settings.environment

        if service:

        if env:

        name = self.dyn_name
        if not name:
            raise XRemoteError(
                f"Tried to get `fully_qualified_table_name` but have no table name for {self}"
        return "-".join(components)

    def endpoint_description(self):
        return self.fully_qualified_table_name()


  • xmodel.remote.structure.RemoteStructure
  • xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure
  • typing.Generic

Class variables

var dyn_consistent_read : bool

If True will default reads for the associated model to be consistent, Otherwise it won't use consistent reads by default.

Individual gets/queries can override this default via function param.

var dyn_environment : str

Environment to use, by Default we use current xcon.conf.XconSettings.environment. If Blank/None we won't include it in the name.

var dyn_hash_key_name : str

Name of hash key [for now both model and table attribute must be same name]. If left as None, an error will be raised when we try connect to table.

You can more easily indicate this via HashField, ie:

>>> class MyModel(DynModel):
...     my_hash: str = HashField()

When you do this, we will fill in dyn_hash_key_name for you.

var dyn_id_delimiter

Default way to delimit the hash/range keys when used in external systems and with code under the xmodel library. In general, it's assumed we only have one key that can uniquely identify model objects/items in general. For DynamoDB, if it has a range key we can merge both the hash-key and range-key together with this character. By default it's a pipe |. But you can set it to something else here if needed.

This makes it so other systems can store just one value to refer to an item in a dynamo table, ie: "some-hash-value|some-range-value". When other BaseModel's from other systems need to get a Dynamo model, they can look it up via this single 'id' value.

var dyn_name : str

Table name, minus service/environment name. We generally want to use camelCase for this and no dashes/underscores.

If left as Default, will use a "camelCase" version of the model class name.

var dyn_range_key_name : str

Name of range key [for now both model and table attribute must be same name]; If left as None, we don't have one on the table.

You can more easily indicate this via RangeField, ie:

>>> class MyModel(DynModel):
...     my_hash: str = RangeField()

When you do this, we will fill in dyn_range_key_name for you.

var dyn_service : str

Service to use, by Default we use current xcon.conf.XconSettings.service. If Blank/None we won't include it in the name.

var virtual_id : bool

Instance variables

prop dyn_hash_fieldDynField
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def dyn_hash_field(self) -> DynField:
    return self.get_field(self.dyn_hash_key_name)
prop dyn_range_field : Optional[DynField]
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def dyn_range_field(self) -> Optional[DynField]:
    return self.get_field(self.dyn_range_key_name)
prop endpoint_description

Gives some sort of basic descriptive string that contains the path/table-name/etc that basically indicates the api endpoint being used.

This is meant for logging and other human readability/debugging purposes. Feel free to change the string to whatever is most useful to know.

I expect this to be overridden by the concrete implementation, see examples here:

  • xmodel.dynamo.DynStructure.endpoint_description
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def endpoint_description(self):
    return self.fully_qualified_table_name()


def configure_for_model_type(self, *, dyn_name: str = Default, dyn_service: str = Default, dyn_environment: str = Default, dyn_id_delimiter: str = Default, dyn_consistent_read: bool = Default, **kwargs)

See superclass method xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure.configure_for_model_type first. It has more information about what calls this method and how to customize value via class arguments (see xmodel.base.model.BaseModel.__init_subclass__ for more about the class argument angle).

This method accepts every argument in the super-class version, with the addition of ones more specific to Dynamo. So se

This method accepts named-class-parameters for DynModel subclasses.

See super-class method xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure.configure_for_model_type doc's for additional arguments and details.



Name of the table. We will add dyn_service and current environment to the final name. See DynStructure.fully_qualified_table_name() for more details.

This can also be None to indicate that it has no direct-table (ie: this is an abstract base class, with commonly shared fields, etc).


Name of the service to use for that portion of the table name. If not provided, and xcon is available, will use con.conf.XconSettings.service. Right now xcon is a required dependency, but will make it optional in the future.

In that future version, leaving this as Default would make it not format the service name into the table name.


Name of the environment to use for that portion of the table name. Right now xcon is a required dependency, but will make it optional in the future.

In that future version, leaving this as Default would make it not format the environment name into the table name.


Delimiter to use for the id value when table has both a hash and range key (to delimit the values of the two).

By default, a pipe char | is used.

Lets model default to consistent reads by default. If unspecified, consistent reads are not used by default. You can override this on a per-get/query/scan basis via function param.
These all come from class-arguments given to the DynModel at class-definition time that need to be sent to my super-class via xmodel.base.structure.BaseStructure.configure_for_model_type. See that for more on what other arguments are supported.
def fully_qualified_table_name(self) ‑> str

Fully qualified name of the table in Dynamo as a str. Format is: '{dyn_service}-{dyn_environment}-{dyn_name}'

def has_id_field(self)

Defaults to False, returns True for RemoteStructure, What this property is really saying is if you can do a foreign-key to the related object/model.

It may be better at some point in the long-run to rename this field to more indicate that; perhaps the next time we have a breaking-change we need to do for xmodel.

For now, we are leaving the name along and hard-coding this to return False in BaseStructure, and to return True in RemoteStructure.